Natural Computation Methods for Machine Learning Note 12
From course, I learned Evolutional Computing.
Evolutionary computing (EC)
- population method
- Used for problems where the task is to maximize some measure of
success - Same family of problems as in RL, but very different methods
- Methods inspired by genetics, natural selection, evolution (but usually
controlled, so it's more like breeding
An evolutionary algorithm (draw loop in parallel)
- Create a population of individuals
a. Individual = encoding of suggested solution to the problem -
Evaluate all individuals (for selection)
a. Requires interpretation of the encoding, and evaluation of its fitness -
Create a new population by cloning, recombination and/or mutation of individuals
a. Selection – fit individuals more likely to affect the new population than non-fit ones -
Repeat from step 2 until end criterion met
The EC loop (fill in details after presenting the algorithm)
Genotypes, phenotypes and fitness
A solution to the problem is encoded by an individual’s genotype (genome, chromosome), e.g. (in GA) a binary string.
Example: A route in the travelling salesman problem (TSP) can be represented by a binary matrix or vector:
A genotype’s fitness (a scalar) is evaluated by a fitness function.
- Requires an interpretation of the genotype – the phenotype
It is the phenotype which is evaluated
genotype-phenotype mapping may be many-to-one (and one-to-many)
Selection of individuals is probabilistic, based on fitness or rank.
- Fitness selection: Select individuals with probability proportional to their
fitness (a.k.a. Roulette wheel selection) - Rank selection: Select individuals with probability proportional to their
rank (in a list, sorted w.r.t. fitness) - All individuals should have some probability (i.e. non-zero) of being
selected - Allow reselection
- Select an individual (as above)
- Copy the selected individual, unaltered, to the new population
Elitism: Guarantee that the most fit individual(s) are cloned (to avoid accidental
destruction of the best solutions found so far)
- Select two individuals (as above)
- Perform a crossover of the two genotypes, creating two new
genotypes/individuals - Insert the new individual in the population
Crossover examples (GA)
Many more alternatives. For example, uniform crossover – randomly select from which parent to pick each bit.
Note: Some genotypes may be illegal (breaking syntactic or semantic rules). This would be very probable in the TSP example above. Cossover should be defined so that such genotypes can not be produced. [Explain why this is not strictly necessary]
- Noisy copy. Some part in the copy is altered at random (e.g. in GA, by flipping bits)
- Mutation should have very low probability
o The prime search operator in EC is (usually) recombination/crossover, not mutation! (counter example: EP) - Mutation roughly corresponds to exploration (stochastic action selection) in RL
- Some authors recommend inverted selection for mutation
Back to the TSP example
Other representations may make it easier to make crossover non-destructive.
Path representation, for example (5 7 1 6 2 4 3 8), is more intuitive. It also makes genotype=phenotype.
Many suggested crossover operators for this, for example Partially Mapped Crossover (PMX), Order Crossover (OX), Cycle Crossover (CX).
Example, OX: Pick a sub-tour (bold below, like two-point crossover except that
we keep what's inbetween, instead of swapping it), then continue by picking the
rest of the cities from the the other parent, in order and excluding already visited
(5 7 1 6 2 4 3 8) ==> (4 8 1 6 2 3 7 5)
(1 7 5 4 8 2 6 3) ==> (6 2 5 4 8 3 7 1)
Video Explanation: