Natural Computation Methods for Machine Learning Note 14
Swarm Intelligence
Intelligence <- Social behavior
- Intelligence can emerge from social interaction.
Emergent behaviour – when a group behaves in ways that were not ”programmed” into its members
Swarm intelligence
- simulated social interaction
- emergent collective intelligence in groups of simple agents
Bird flocks and fish schools
- Local interaction
- No leader
- Simple local rules – a weighted combination of several goals
- match velocity of neighbours
- avoid collisions with neighbours
- avoid getting too far from neighbours
- Sufficient to make very realistic simulations
- used in movies and computer graphics
- remove the match-velocity rule: insect swarm
- remove collision rule: cultural interaction
- Individual ants can not find shortest route. The colony does.
- Ant colonies are much more intelligent than ants.
- Ant colonies build cognitive map in their environment, through pheromone trails.
Stigmergy ❗❗❗
Indirect communication and coordination, by local modification and sensing of the environment.
Computational tools
- Cellular automata
- Ant Colony Optimization
- Particle Swarm Optimization
Cellular automata
- Massively parallel system of identical communicating state machines (cells).
- A cell’s state (e.g. on/off) is a function of the states of it communicates with (its neighbours).
- Used to model/animate fluids (e.g. the water in Find Nemo), gases, bacterial growth, swaying grass, social interaction, epidemics, in ecological simulations etc.
- Construction and repair
- Collaborating simple robots
- Modelling
- Water, avalanches, traffic flows
- Map/level generators for games
Ant Colony Optimization
Family of combinatorial optimization algorithms, based on ant behaviour
Common benchmark: the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)
Common ’real’ applications: Scheduling and Network routing (AntNet)
Members: ACS, Ant-Q, MMAS, ASrank,
- most of which are extensions to Dorigo’s Ant
System (AS)
Traveling Salesman Problems (TSP)
- Find the shourtest tour through N cities, and then back to the starting point, such that each city is visited once and only once.
- NP-hard
- (N-1)!/2 possible tours
- exhaustive search intractable
- Specialized algorithms exist
- and are hard to beat
Ant System for TSP
Each ant (k)
- is placed in a randomly selected city
- remembers the partial solution found so far (initially, the start city only)
- moves stochastically from city (i) to city (j), by some transition probability p_{i j}^{k}(t)
which depends on
- pheromone intensity, \tau_{i j}
- local information, \eta_{i j} (distance)
- whether j is feasible (not already visited)
Transition probabilities
Effects of \alpha and \beta
p_{i j}^{k}(t)=\frac{\left[\tau_{i j}(t)\right]^{\alpha} *\left[\eta_{i j}\right]^{\beta}}{\sum_{c \in C_{i}^{k}}\left[\tau_{i c}(t)\right]^{\alpha} *\left[\eta_{i c}\right]^{\beta}}, j \in C_{i}^{k}
- If a=0, b>0
- Pheromone information discarded, only local info used
- Stochastic greedy search with multiple starting points
- If a>0, b=0
- No local information used, only pheromones
- May lead to premature convergence
Pheromone update
When all ants have completed a tour, let each
ant deposit pheromones on the paths it followed
\tau_{i j}(t+1)=(1-\rho) \tau_{i j}(t)+\sum_k \Delta \tau_{k}{i j}^{k}(t) \quad \forall(i, j)
\rho Evaporation rate(蒸发率) 1<\rho\leq 1
k Sum over all ants, k
\Delta \tau_{i j}^{k}(t)=\left{\begin{array}{cl}1 / L_{k}(t)&\text { if path ij was used by ant } k\\0&\text { otherwise }\end{array}\right.
L_{k}(t)= length of ant k’s tour
Ant Colony Opt
- ACO is most promising for non-stationary
problems (e.g. network routing) - The TSP solution demonstrated here
works, but is not state-of-the-art
What is "optimal"?
This is different from other course
In practice, optimality includes other factors as well
- time and cost to setup (not only to run)
- amount of knowledge required
- sufficiently good is often good enough
It is often better to use an algorithm/method you know well,
than to search for (and tune) the "best" one.
But, of course, if you happen to know the best one ...